
Thursday, February 18, 2021

Spring Is Just Around The Corner: Register For Ypsi Arbor Little League!

By Editor in Chief & Publisher Jeff Brown.

 Folks, it may not feel like it right now, but spring is right around the corner, and you know what that means, right?. It means baseball, of course!! Yes, it is time to dig out those bats, balls, and gloves! This is the time to register your ballplayer for Ypsi Arbor Little League, and start breaking in those mitts!

Founded in 1953, Ypsi Arbor Little League has been around for decades, and is the oldest little league in the state of Michigan. Further, they are the first Little League in America to include a female player, Carolyn King! Not too shabby.

Games are played from early May through late June. There is t-ball, coach pitch, minors, majors, and junior teams. Games are played at Recreation Park and Candy Cane Park in Ypsilanti.

Players at every skill level are invited to join and scholarships are available for families that qualify. All players and coaches will be required to wear masks and social distancing will be practiced. Registration is currently open for all age groups.

Shake off those winter blues and register for Ypsi Arbor Little League today! You'll be glad you did.

Registration information can be found on their website.