
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Reward offered for information on the Islamic Center fire Pittsfield Township

A fire demolished the Islamic Center of Ypsilanti late Saturday afternoon, March 11. The Islamic Center also housed a mosque. The Islamic Center, located at 5905 West Michigan Avenue, appears to be totally destroyed.

Purple Walrus Press spoke to Council on American-Islamic Relations  Executive Director Dawud Walid at the scene of the fire Sunday afternoon.

According to Dawud Walid, "We don't know the circumstances behind this as of yet. We are thankful that the ATF and FBI are working with the Fire Department and the Police Department to get to the bottom of this. But we are offering a $1,000 reward if anyone knows any information that leads to an arrest if this is ruled to be an arson."

UPDATE: An online fundraising page to rebuild the center is now active through Launch Good and can be found here.

Jeff Brown
founder & editor in Chief
Purple Walrus Press.
Islamic Center of Ypsilanti Sunday. Photos Purple Walrus Press.


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