
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Notes from Flint Water Crisis activist Melissa Mays of Flint.

Contributed to PWP by Melissa Mays.

Got a lot of work done in DC. I was able to speak at the Women's March Environmental Justice panel, work alongside my amazing The FUNDRED Dollar Bill Project family again, and I was able to interview with Greta Van Susteren about the tax forclosures re-victimizing Flint residents along with all the fun nastiness popping up in our water (PLEASE TEST YOUR WATER!) Also, I was able to brainstorm with amazing artists and activists and we were able to hit a ton of Senate Offices to push the message that #FlintLivesMatter and remind them that they work for us.
I just want to thank Adam Mays for working as hard as he does so we can afford for me to self-fund these trips. It's important to keep in everyone's faces that Flint is NOT better, especially when completely disconnected people try to take our Healthcare. That is all, time to sleep. I'm happy to be home. Until I drive to Chicago tomorrow night for the Untrouble the Waters Conference...

Melissa Mays.

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