
Saturday, July 6, 2019

The First Annual Booksilanti Readers' Fair In Ypsilanti Saturday Is A Shining Gem in the Heart Of The City.

Local children's author Lisa Rose.

Editor & Publisher Jeff Brown.

The first annual Booksilanti Readers Fair took place in Ypsilanti's Depot Town on Saturday July 6, and folks, it was a real gem. The event was held at spacious Ypsilanti Freighthouse providing the perfect setting for the first annual community event.

The Booksilanti Readers Fair, running from 9 AM until 4 PM Saturday, featured local book authors from the Ypsilanti area and metro Detroit. The free event also included children story hours, crafts and book related artisans. Participating bookstores included Ypsilanti Black Stone Bookstore and Cultural Center, Nicola's Books out of Ann Arbor and Bookbound Bookstore.

The event featured children's authors Jordan J Scavone, Lisa Rose, Debbie Taylor and Kristin and Brad Northrup. I had the pleasure of speaking with children's author Lisa Rose of  metro Detroit. Lisa displayed several books she has written including Star Powers, Shmulik Paints The Town, Circle Needs A Ball Gown and Oh No, The Tooth Fairy Broke Her Wing!

Purple Walrus Press also had the pleasure of talking with Black Stone Bookstore and Cultural Center co-owner Kip Johnson who was happy to be participating in the fair Saturday spreading the word about the incredible collection of books they carry as well as educational value his bookstore and cultural center provides to the community. Black Stone Bookstore opened in 2013 and has been a wonderful addition to downtown Ypsilanti.

PWP spoke also with Brother Noah, the creator of April 5th Booker T. Washington Holiday. Brother Noah's goal is to create a model for a world-wide Booker T. Washington holiday. Brother Noah was recently featured on WEMU and organized the third annual Booker T Washington Holiday Celebration which was held at the Ypsi Farmers Market this past April. Brother Noah is doing wonderful things for the Ypsilanti community and beyond.

Booksilanti organizer Julie Palmer was pleased with the number of attendees to the event and emphasized the true community nature of the Readers Fair. Julie is looking forward to next years annual Booksilanti Readers' Fair.

This truly was a community event and uniquely Ypsilanti. The Booksilanti Readers' Fair is a shining, diverse and dynamic gem in the very heart of Ypsilanti. Be sure not to miss the 2nd Annual Booksilanti Readers' Fair next year! See you there.

Photos Purple Walrus Press.

Brother Noah..Creator of Booker T. Washington Holiday Celebration.
Kip Johnson..Co-owner Black Stone Bookstore and Cultural Center in Ypsilanti.

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