
Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Congresswoman Dingell Response To Visitors To Her Office Sharing Their Concerns About The Border Tuesday.

Photo Purple Walrus Press.

Editor & Publisher Jeff Brown.

 Today Congresswoman Dingell released the following statement:

“I learned this morning on the radio that people would be at my office to discuss their concerns at the border. I would have liked to have been there, but wasn’t able to be as I had a previously planned visit to the Ann Arbor VA to visit veterans before the July 4th holiday.

“I care deeply about these children and families and the situation at the border remains untenable. From what I have seen, heard reported, and spoke with colleagues about who had been at the border yesterday - the treatment of detainees is unacceptable. When a lawyer for the Justice Department argues that toothbrushes and soap don’t constitute humane treatment, we know the system must be reformed. We should be increasing protections for children, and imposing stricter rules for temporary shelters. Last week, I voted against the supplemental funding bill because it did not have adequate accountability to ensure simple and humane treatment.

“Also concerning are the reports of racist and sexist comments by Customs and Border Protection agents in a Facebook group. What was reported is simply unacceptable, disrespectful, and disturbing. Congress and the country want the facts and those responsible held accountable.

“Across Michigan and the country, Americans are raising their voices and raising awareness on these inhumane conditions at the border. It is important and why I will be joining other colleagues in traveling to the border in the next month.

“Congress must recommit to working in a bipartisan manner for comprehensive immigration reform that secures our borders, respects families, provides permanent protections for Dreamers, helps employers, and provides a pathway to citizenship for immigrants living and contributing to our country. Discussions are critical to reaching consensus on tough, effective border security and immigration policies that do not rip children from their mother’s arms or slam the door in the face of people seeking legal asylum after fleeing unthinkable violence or war.”

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