
Monday, July 1, 2019

Parola Perspective In Brief: 65% Of Democratic Debate Viewers Were Over Age 55. Why?

Contributed to PWP by fellow Flint Town native Brooks Parola.

You may have seen that the debates had large viewership. But, are you aware that 65% of those viewers were age 55 and over? My question to young voters: Why didn't more of you watch the debates?
Don't answer with some kind of lame excuse that "it's still early". During the Romney/Obama election, I had a young friend who NEVER paid attention to politics until a month before the election, when he decides he's going to do what I called "cram for the exam"...he FAILED miserably. Every single discussion I had with him, leading up to the election screamed CLUELESSNESS, because he had ZERO historical context for any of the issues.
Young voters, REAL UNDERSTANDING REQUIRES YOU TO BE ENGAGED NOW!!! And I'm singling you all out, because you're notorious for NOT VOTING, and YOUR generation should have been the majority viewership of those debates, not mine.

1 comment:

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