Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Pickleball courts? pickleball courts in Ypsi TWP? Six of them? Waaa? What the heck is pickleball? Listen, I like pickles as much as the next person, but I've never heard of a pickleball court until a few days ago when I read about it in mlive. I mean, yes, apparently, pickleball is a real sport: And not only that, six, yes, six new pickleball courts have been built in Ford Lake Park in Ypsilanti TWP. Holy guacamole! Look, in my hometown of Flint, if I had ever said while growing up in my old neighborhood, "Hey guys, let's play some PICKLEBALL," I would have been killed on the spot! Well, at least beaten up. AND I WOULD HAVE DESERVED IT, TOO!

Pickleball. Pickleball. Well, I just don't know if I like the sound of the darn thing.

Here's what I've learned about pickleball. Pickleball is played with a racquet. It is kind of like a combination of badminton,, tennis and ping pong, I mean table tennis. You have to hit some kind of whiffle ball type thing over a net. Apparently, its pretty big on the West Coast. Oh, that explains it! Kidding! Oh, what the hell do I know. Anyway, it was created in the 1960's as a kids backyard game. Well, actually, it does sound kind of groovy!

Who's up for some pickleball? I'm game!

Jeff Brown
Purple Walrus Press.
The new pickleball courts of Ford Lake Park. Photo Purple Walrus Press.

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